Category Archives: stress reduction

Just another day at hohm :)

I just had to share how beautiful the kayaking it is here. See how calm the water is? It’s almost ALWAYS like this on the North Fork or Long Long Island’s East End. I had to spend two days in the city to work with Steve Goodman, my business partner, and meet some truly wonderful people making some truly exciting and wonderful products ( hint: GORGEOUS eco yoga clothing!) So while I was doing my city thing, Liv ( our newest staff member: you’ll be reading some great blogs from her in upcoming weeks) and, Annette, a regular juice faster,   and raw foodist in training– discovered this great spot to drop the kayaks and bliss out with nature. Charles was on hand to snap these beautiful pictures. Maybe soon we will take videos to share wtih you while on these beautiful and fun moments. Annette thought this was a very good way to spend an afternoon in between juices!  Hope you can come hohm soon and float along with us sometime this summer!

:)maryLiv and Annette North Fork Kayaking

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Filed under Detox, Fasting, Happiness, Health, heart chakra, Juicing, Raw Food, raw food detox, Retreats, stress reduction, stress solution, sustainable, Travels, Weekend Yoga retreat, Yoga

Kenny Page and the urban lawyer cleanse.

Mr Kenny Page, esquire departed today 10 pounds lighter refreshed and inspired with new kundalini yoga sets!
We rarely can accept men here at our sacred retreat, unless they come as the beloved’s of one of our regular yogini clients. But this man won us over, and we are so glad. We loved meeting and supporting Kenny through his first ever juice cleanse, and  look froward to welcoming him back hohm often. He has an intense law practice in New York City so really needed the restorative time to tune back in to his center. We hope he made some headway on a very cool novel he his writing!

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Filed under Cleanse, Detox, dry skin brush, dry skin brushing, Fasting, Health, Juicing, Kundalini Yoga Set, raw food detox, Retreats, stress reduction, stress solution, writing, Yoga

Happy Happy Happy!

happiness day breakfast smile

happiness day breakfast smile

Marci Shimof just released her best selling book, “Happy for no Reason” in paperback. That’s reason enough to be happy.

She lists in only 7 steps anyone can take to feel happy right now, no matter what. But really happy reason: there are a GAZILLION free gifts that will make you happy, abundant, slim, confident, on that link.

LOVE Marci, so in honor of her book I decided to just make today “Happy for No Reason” day at American Yogini, and invented a breakfast smoothie that tasted HAPPY!

And Charles and I went out into the snow ( sigh) and drew a happy face, wrapped up in blankets and sipped our breakfast Happiness smoothie!

Hope you enjoy it too, the recipe is in our newsletter, so be sure to open today’s issue if you haven’t already. Its tastes HAPPY!,  And its a really happy coral pink color.:)

Love and happiness!


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Filed under Cleanse, Detox, Fasting, Happiness, Health, heart chakra, In The News, Juicing, Spirituality, stress reduction, stress solution

Freedom! Goodies for you :)

3 Goodies below!

#1: my favorite MLK,jr quote, #2 Maya Angelou Poem, #3 Dance with MLK,jr.

IT’s a PLAY day!
Could anything be more beautiful than Martin Luther King Day and the enauguration of President Obama side by side in 2009?


A Smiling Martin Luther King, Jr.

A Smiling Martin Luther King, Jr.GOODIE #1:



My favorite MLK quote:
“Darkness cannot dispel darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot defeat hate; only love can do that.” Martin Luther King, Jr.

Just thinking about how joyful the scene must be at the White House and in Washington DC, and surrounding the family and friends of President Obama today! The world can bask and enjoy this moment, and what better time could it be?  to be present and enjoy a release from recent economic fears and sorrows. Let it all go for today, for this week, maybe forever, and allow hope and freedom to seep into you today. Dr. King and President Obama remind us that this can manifest at anytime for any one of us and for all of us collectively .  
Goodie #2: Pause and Reflect

A Poem by Maya Angelou

“Touched by an Angel”

 We, unaccustomed to courage
exiles from delight
live coiled in shells of lonliness
until love leaves it’s high holy temple
and comes into our sight
to liberate us into life.

Love arrives
and in its train come ecstasies
old memories of pleasure
ancient histories of pain.
Yet if we are bold,
love strikes away the chains of fear
from our souls.

We are weaned from our timidity
In the flush of love’s light
we dare be brave
And suddenly we see
that love costs all we are
and will ever be.
Yet it is only love
which sets us free.

Goodie #3: Dance and Play!

Dance to this right now -just like a kid!

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Filed under Art, heart chakra, In The News, Jr., Spirituality, stress reduction, stress solution, Video, Yoga

Juice fasting guest jenny

This is whatvour beach looks like today. Jenny is on her 4th day juice fasting in this picture. The stones are all different colors and look like jewels when wet. Isn’t she pretty?

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Filed under autumn, Cleanse, Detox, Fasting, Health, Juicing, Retreats, Spirituality, stress reduction, Yoga

Want to be WELL? Do NOTHING!

Here are some questions for you:

Q-Want to relieve stress?


Q- What creates more illness: stress or poor nutrition?

A- Stress

Of these two stress is first. (Are you an “emotional” eater?)

Stress is the source. Stress is what lands within the nervous system when we experience conflicting beliefs.

Usually YOUR true inner voice conflicting with the voices of others who are around you. Parents, family members, friends, even the voices of the media: commercials and magazines telling us we are not right without certain products, and worse – certain drugs. Conflict arises when your own TRUTH speaks to you and you ignore it because you love these people and you want their approval and love back in return. FEAR of not being loved can cause us to ignore our own inner voice. Because your truth is your TRUTH, You will still feel this voice deep inside, so the resulting conflict is what shapes you. Literally: it SHAPES you. Your bodies are shaped by your truth or by your conflict. Your posture, the thickness of your waist or your hips, the face you see in the mirror each day. If you do not like what you see in the mirror, consider if you are living in a stress filled existence full of information and advice that is in direct conflict with your inner voice. Consider if you have even allowed your inner voice to be heard, not only by the world around your but by your very own self? Sometimes it’s hard to hear what our truth is, what we want, what makes us FEEL GOOD, through the cacophony of advertisements, well intended family, friends and co-workers.

Raw Juice Fasting is so much more than lightening up the body, although it is perfect for just that. Your juice fast is the time to just DO NOTHING. Relax into nothingness, let yourself just be yourself, let yourself quiet down and listen to what your body is telling you. Without the noise and distractions of your daily routine lives you can really drop down into yourself and learn who your are, what you want, tuning into YOUR OWN truth. This is the only way to eliminate illness-creating stress caused by information that is in direct conflict with our inner guidance. So do yourself a big favor and DO NOTHING.

Just let it be OK to BE for a few days while you enjoy your juice cleanse. When you come out the other side you will find yourself  confidently knowing your own truth and moving closer each time you come to this practice toward a stress free and happier life. 

Spring is coming…

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Filed under Blogroll, Cleanse, Detox, Fasting, Health, Juicing, Nutrition, raw food detox, Retreats, Spirituality, stress reduction, stress solution, Yoga