Monthly Archives: December 2007


img_9083.jpgAmerican yogini in the snow! It has been mostly pretty warm, but we have gotten just enough snow to look like a pretty candy land while we cozy up to the fire for juice fasting while in hibernation!

Many guests love to do thier annual juice fast in winter when they are in a natural resting state. Guests tend to enjoy sleeping in and taking yoga class later in the day in front of the fireplace.

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“Fruition”, new eco-hohm is complete at last

sustainable fire in our new hohm raw food kitchen So much so fast so wonderful so perfect! Just got the first great photos of our new place here for American Yogini, and we are calling it HOHM! Trademark in place, organic drapes, zero voc paints, sustainable cork floors….we even did a salt water swimming pool! It was like one of those tv shows where they build a house in a week. Only we did it in 5 months between July and December. Raw juice fast retreats have continued, the online store is still getting polished up, and exciting products ready to roll out.
This kitchen will be the site of many raw food, juicing, and natural yet modern hohm keeping videos.

What is true in your hohm, in your life and your surroundings is true in your body too. That is what and how we teach yoga here at American Yogini Juice Fast retreats, and I am so excited to share all this.  We are just brimming with action here! Our retreats have been full or nearly full every week even as new furniture is delivered and we find optimal places for our fantastic new products. We are so GRATEFUL for all this! In February video production should be well underway.

In the mean time, post a comment in our blog here to let us know what you most would like to learn and see in our vegan and raw kitchen.

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Filed under cork floor, Fasting, green building, Juicing, Raw Food, raw food detox, Retreats, sustainable, zero VOC

sweeeeet! yoga video site

Ana Brett is just the cutest yogini ever! I love every style of yoga, but kundalini takes me to infinity without fail at warp speed.
Look how fun this is, more like “party yoga” as a past guest, once refered to it.

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Filed under Yoga